WILPF Women against War and Weapons took actions as part of the Stop The Arms Fair campaign to protest the DSEI Arms Fair returning to London earlier this September. We took part in a peaceful march and leafletted outside the ExCel Centre to say NO to this horrific event and arms trade because as we know, weapons only cause more death, destruction and war. A big thank you to all members who took part and put in so much work for this campaign.
Pictured below are WILPF women outside the ExCel Centre leafletting, at the statue of Millicent Fawcett, and gathering for the Women in Black silent vigil at the Edith Cavell Statue. Members of WILPF continue to meet here with other like-minded women every Wednesday at 6pm.

WILPF Women against War and Weapons say NO
NO to London showcasing weapons and tools for wars and armed violence
NO to the death, destruction, displacement, and violent oppression and repression that these weapons cause
NO to those who profit from war, killing, injustice, corruption and abusing human rights
NO to the UK government actively supporting arms dealers and military personnel from the world’s most violent, authoritarian and undemocratic regimes
NO to the ways in which the military and war contribute to the climate crisis, destroying the environment, and forcing people to flee their homes
NO to the disproportionate impact of war and weapons on the world’s poorest, particularly women, girls and minority groups
NO to militarism and violent masculinities, and to the consequences of the arms trade that lead directly to increased sexual and gender-based violence and abuse against women in their homes and communities
NO to the social and political inequalities and pressures from the increase in female-headed households when men are killed in armed conflicts
NO to arming and driving wars for territory and to exploit scarce resources
NO to the ExCeL Centre arms fair, now and in the future