Climate Justice cards with envelopes
Our message of Justice, Peace and Honesty in tackling the Climate Crisis was spearheaded with 5 beautiful applique banners, hand-made by Jenny Engledow. We added this WILPF statement to make a lovely blank card with envelope to share. This is a photo of one:

The cost of cards, including UK postage, is:
1 card for £1.50
5 cards for £4.00
10 cards for £7.50
Please complete the form below to submit your order and then make your payment – cheque or bank transfer.
Payment details:
- Direct bank transfer to sort code 08-92-99, Account number 65107074. Our bank, the Cooperative Bank, is not part of the new Bank Payee Check scheme yet so if you bank with a bank that is, a message will flag up saying ‘the name cannot be verified, do you still wish to continue?’ Click yes once you are sure the numbers are correct.
- Cheque made payable to: WILPF and sent to the Treasurer, UK WILPF, 52-54 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT