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Make a Donation

Make a Donation

WILPF UK relies on the work of volunteers and donations to help with the organisation’s running costs, particularly in maintenance of an office. Your donation would be much appreciated and will enable us to continue with our work for international peace and freedom on behalf of women everywhere.

After submitting the form below, please make your donation using your preferred method. Detailed instructions for making payments are provided below the form.

WILPF Donation Form

Donations can be made via:

  • Direct bank transfer to sort code 08-92-99, Account number 65107074. Our bank, the Cooperative Bank, is not part of the new Bank Payee Check scheme yet so if you bank with a bank that is, a message will flag up saying ‘the name cannot be verified, do you still wish to continue?’ Click yes once you are sure the numbers are correct.
  • Cheque made payable to: WILPF and sent to the Treasurer, UK WILPF, 52-54 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT
  • Paypal using this link.