Join us at Nuclear Free Local Authorities‘ (NFLA) Summer Seminar, Friday 15 June at Long Room, Oxford Town Hall, Oxford, OX1 1bX, 10.30am – 1.30pm.
The Seminar will focus on nuclear transports, nuclear transparency and delivering decentralised energy. Find out more by downloading the Seminar’s flyer here – NFLA EF seminar Oxford flyer.
The seminar is looking at three areas of policy which should interest our members:
1. How safe are transports of nuclear weapons and civil radioactive materials by road, rail and sea in the country? What information should be provided to the public about these transports? What happens in an emergency with them?
David Mackenzie from Nukewatch and David Polden from the Nuclear Trains Action Group will provide an overview of such matters.
2. How safe are the nuclear weapons facilities at Aldemaston and Burghfield? Why has the Government made secret annual safety reports and how do we campaign for more transparency in this area?
Dave Cullen from Reading based Nuclear Information Service will outline their concerns.
3. How are Councils promoting local renewable energy, storage, heating and transport schemes in a difficult financial atmosphere? Where are the best examples? And what is happening in Oxford as a good local example?
Sean Morris from NFLA will outline its report and Paul Robinson from Oxford City Council will provide a local example of its work in this area.