Every year on May 15th we remember conscientious objectors, both past and present. Around the world many people are imprisoned or forced to flee their home countries for refusing to join the armed forces. On May 15th we stand in solidarity with them, as well as celebrating the memory of those throughout history who have resisted conscription.
National Ceremony – London, Tavistock Square & Online
Join us in Tavistock Square for speeches and music in front of the conscientious objectors’ memorial stone. This year the ceremony will pay tribute to the struggles of COs in Israel, as well as in Russia, Ukraine and many other countries around the world.
Attend in person – 1pm, Wednesday 15 May, Tavistock Square, London
Watch Online – Visit this page at the time to watch the live stream.
Events around the UK
Events to mark CO Day this year will be happening in several towns and cities across the UK. Please visit Peace Pledge Union’s events page to find one near you.