“Our first WiB vigils were during the Iraq war and were held weekly throughout that period, mostly this was women from WILPF.
Now seeing the dreadful pain and suffering of the Israeli and the Palestinian people we felt it was time to start again to show our objection to all use of violence. We held our first vigil for this on Friday 27th October and there were 11 women standing together from WILPF, Quakers and others who are interested in ending this horror.
We have weekly vigils from 1pm-2pm at the war memorial, Old Steine, Brighton, which is a good location as many people pass by and buses stop at traffic lights enabling them to see us too. We hand out around 100 leaflets in that hour and talk to people whenever possible. So far we have had just two passing comments that have been negative, other than that we had a young Palestinian man stop to talk, a woman who is Jewish and feeling desperate and many people just appalled at the present situation and agreeing that all the violence has to stop. We have weather proof placards with bold lettering and a big banner made for the vigils during the Iraq war.”
If you want to find out more, the address they are using isĀ brightonwib@11qp.co.uk
Here are some photos from the first WiB in Brighton!