Two years ago we worked with The Clapham Film Unit, Charlotte Bill and community volunteers to make ‘These Dangerous Women’. This film marked the centenary of the 1915 International Women’s Congress, which gave rise to WILPF.
Now, we together with The Clapham Film Unit have sent a new application to The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a project called “Women Peace Activists at Versailles 1919”. Charlotte Bill, working with Helen Kay, our historian, also now has the support of international WILPF members to make a new film and lead further research.
The application with HLF is therefore at a critical stage.
Despite receiving warm feedback regarding our application, HLF has told us that it only failed on “risk to delivery” due to inconsistencies in the plan. They said if we correct these specified inconsistencies and demonstrate “interest from the public outside of WILPF” it will be very likely to succeed.
This is where YOU come in.
We need non-WILPF members to show an interest in this project. For example if your organisation wants to show the finished film, or as the sign-up sheet suggests, are willing to be involved in the research, training and re-enactment activities.
If as individuals or as an organisation, you feel able to complete the form ( that can be downloaded here) and return it to us this would help support our application.
In peace and love,