ICAN, of which WILPF is a steering member, has issued an Action Alert for all members. The U.S. Nuclear Posture Review has just been released, and it is “disastrous”.
Instead of leading the world in banning nuclear weapons, it seems that the U.S. is moving to make nuclear war more likely in the future.
ICAN has therefore suggested that members Tweet President Trump:
I reject the new #TrumpNuclearDoctrine that increases likelihood of nuclear war. @realDonaldTrump must support the #nuclearban instead. 122 countries have firmly stated their opposition to the nuclear dangers faced by humanity. #NuclearPostureReview #EndofNukes
According to the BBC, the U.S. military has proposed developing new smaller atomic bombs, so as to counter Russia.
This is really worrying. But together we can let our governments know that we want a safer, nuclear free, future.