Sadly WILPF Bristol has closed now. If you are in the Bristol area and would love to start a group up again, then get in contact!!
UK WILPF launches a new branch in Bristol!
We try to meet once every two weeks around the university campus. To be kept up to date with meeting times and locations please join our WILPF Bristol Facebook group here or contact branch manager Isabel Bull to join our mailing list.
We are a new group, starting last October, and so welcome new members and any ideas that they may bring to the table. Our aim is to raise awareness of WILPF and its advocacy work at Bristol University and to inspire other likeminded students to join our movement. A lot of our work is social media-based, however, we also hope to become a growing active presence around campus too. We have already forged links with Bristol University’s Feminist Society, and with upcoming elections to decide upon committee roles in late January/ early February we hope to soon have a dynamic outreach officer to ensure our group’s diversification to include all types of students, and continuing liaison with concurring university groups and institutions. Ultimately we want to work towards gaining society status with the Students’ Union here in the New Year.
Read more about the Bristol branch here.
Forthcoming events
Wednesday 1 March at the Wills Memorial Building, from 16:00-18:00 (more details TBA soon)
Rape culture campaign launch event. We would like to invite you to the launch of our first campaign at Bristol University. We will hold a panel discussion with Bristol University academics to discuss, explore and confront the growing issues of rape culture and the worries it causes for young women not just around campus but also the UK.
Wednesday 8 March, Woodland Road, Bristol University’s campus (more details TBA soon)
International Women’s Day 2017. We will have a stall on campus to mark 2017’s International Women’s Day. We hope to talk with passers-by about rape culture and the pressures put on young women by society. We will also invite students to share their experiences and thoughts on rape culture to spark much needed reflection and discussion.